Editorial Guidelines

At Stylenewme.com, our aim is to provide accurate, inclusive, and reliable information to our readers. We adhere to strict principles and standards to ensure the quality and integrity of our content. We have the following editorial guidelines:

Our Editorial Principles

Readers First: Every piece of content is crafted with our readers in mind. We cover topics that enhance beauty, health, and wellness routines using language that is clear and accessible, avoiding complex jargon.

Accuracy & Reliability: Our content is thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and reviewed by our expert panel. We collaborate with medical professionals, including doctors, dietitians, dermatologists, and estheticians, to provide expert-approved advice and tips.

Inclusivity & Sensitivity: We prioritize inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, or relationship status. Our articles use empathetic and compassionate language, ensuring everyone feels represented and valued.

Our Content Creation Process

Transparency is essential in our content creation process. We believe in sharing how we develop content related to beauty, health, and wellness to maintain trust with our readers.

Editorial Integrity

Professional Medical Advice: Our content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers are encouraged to consult with healthcare providers for personalized guidance.

Distinction Between Editorial and Advertorial Content: We maintain a clear separation between editorial and advertorial content. Our editorial team does not engage in advertising activities, and sponsored content is clearly labeled as such.

Preferential Treatment: We do not give preferential treatment to any outside resource. External links or resources relevant to the topic are disclosed appropriately, following FTC guidelines.

Use of AI

Written Content

We use artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly to enhance our content creation process. AI-generated content undergoes thorough human review to ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with our editorial standards.

Visual Content

When using AI-generated images and videos, we credit the tools used and adhere to ethical standards, including respecting intellectual property rights and avoiding misleading or harmful content.

Product Recommendations & Listings

Our product recommendations are based on exhaustive research conducted by our subject matter experts. While we earn commissions on products purchased through our site, our recommendations are purely editorial.


We value feedback from our readers. If you have suggestions or comments, please contact us at support@stylenewme.com.

Last updated on April 09, 2024

These guidelines ensure that our content remains trustworthy, relevant, and valuable to our audience.